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What is affiliate marketing ?(and how to get started fast)


What is affiliate marketing ?(and how to get started fast)

What is affiliate marketing?


Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy where you make money by referring your customers to other websites, empires or organizations. You can use this type of marketing to promote your business and earn some extra income in the process. The main difference between an internet company and someone who has affiliate marketing experience is that companies can create their own affiliates, affiliate marketing meaning they do not have to work with another person or company to start the process.

What are the types of affiliate programs?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.  There are many affiliate marketing websites that allow you to register for free.

The most common forms of affiliate programs include

Commission-based – In this model, you get paid when your referral makes a purchase. For example, if you're an Amazon Affiliate and someone signs up through your link when they buy something from Amazon, that person will then be put on your CRM (customer relationship management) list and emailed about their new purchases with links to products they might like. Once again, this means more traffic for them!

Affiliate programs are designed to be quick and easy, so they're perfect for anyone who wants to make money online but doesn't have time or experience in digital marketing. These programs allow publishers with little knowledge of SEO or other complicated technical details get started quickly while avoiding expensive mistakes that could cost them their business.

You may find many affiliate marketing jobs online if you search Google or Youtube and could see a few below-listed pop-ups the most.

How to start Affiliate Marketing

All that we need to do is just find the affiliate marketing websites which allow a decent commission and signup with your details I have listed a few well-known websites which offer affiliate marketing.

Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates is one of the first online affiliate marketing programs and is still one of the most popular. Affiliate Marketing Amazon is the program allows you to promote any product on Amazon's website in exchange for a commission on each sale. Commission rates vary depending on the product category, but are typically around 4-8%.

 Amazon Associates Program

 Amazon Associates is a program that pays affiliates for each sale they make using links on their website. You can earn commissions of up to 50% on products purchased through your affiliate link.


 ClickBank is a well-known affiliate marketing network that connects advertisers (referred to as “affiliates”) with publishers (referred to as "publishers"). As an advertiser, you place ads on your website and then refer traffic to the advertiser's product page. When potential customers click on these ads, they get redirected to the publisher's site where they purchase the advertiser's product. Once the customer completes the purchase, the advertiser pays the affiliate.  In the below video tutorial you learn how to make money with affiliate marketing easily.

 CJ Affiliate

 CJ Affiliate is a third party affiliate network that pays you per referral. You sign up for free and create a unique affiliate ID. Then you use that ID to track any sales you generate. If someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys a product, you get a percentage of the revenue.

Types of affiliate marketers

There are many different types of affiliate marketers.

Affiliate marketing is a great way for anyone to find work and make money online, but it's important to know how to choose the right one for you.

A good affiliate marketer should be able to help you find products or services for your business that are reasonably priced, so it's important that you shop around before choosing an affiliate program.

Affiliate marketers are people who sell products or services for a commission. They can be found on many different platforms, including Amazon, eBay and Google Ads.

Affiliate marketing is an online business model where you get paid in exchange for promoting someone else's product or service. In this case, the affiliate marketer is making money by selling leads that point to other companies who offer products and/or services related to his/her own interests (for example: fitness programs).

The first sale is the most important, and it's also the hardest. The reason being that it will help you build your confidence as an affiliate marketer.

The first sale is what sets up your business for successful affiliate marketing in the long run. If you're not successful on this first sale (and most people aren't), then there's no way that you'll be able to make any other sales after that without having some sort of boost from said successful first one.

The average beginner struggles to make their first sale

If you're just starting out with affiliate marketing and don't have a lot of experience yet, it's important to consider diversifying your income so that you don't put all your eggs in one basket (that basket being your website). For example:

  • You might sell products through an e-commerce store instead of listing them yourself on Amazon or eBay. This will allow you to build up customer loyalty while earning recurring revenue from sales over time without having to constantly buy new inventory every month!

  • You could work with other businesses who offer services related to what you do so they can list their products on yours as well—this way even if someone buys one thing from one company's catalogs/websites first thing when visiting those sites each day (instead of first thing when visiting yours), then later buys another item from another site later on during those same days again...and so forth....

How do I get paid?


Once you have a merchant account, your affiliate marketing software will take care of the rest. You'll be paid via a number of different methods:

  • A percentage commission on all sales made by your affiliates (this is most common)

  • A fixed amount per transaction (for example, $1.00)

Most people that try affiliate marketing fail because they give up too soon.

It takes time and effort to learn the ropes, build a website, build an email list, build a social media following and build a brand. It also takes time and effort to build up your reputation as an authority in your niche or industry.

Are you looking for a Passive Income recurring every month then try reading the below :

What is Clickfunnels?


There are a lot of people that are out there trying to make money online but most of them aren’t successful at all. This is because they give up too soon and don’t know how to monetize their traffic or product offering. I hope this article has helped you understand what affiliate marketing is, why it can be hard for beginners, and how you can make more money in less time!

Sourcelink for Video: Cheran Academy

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