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What is ClickFunnels ?

 What is ClickFunnels

What is ClickFunnels?

Five different ways on how you can make it happen as well.

Click Funnels changed everything, which I want to share with you how you can actually use it as a tool, whether you going to sell

Physical products,

Digital products,

Whether you want to get more leads,

 Whether you build want to network marketing down line,

 Whether you're a chiropractor,

Looking to more walk-ins into your practice.

I'm going to be showing you today what it is that I did to give you the options to see which one resonates most with you. Let's get started. So let's first begin with what really is ClickFunnels 'cause many people have different definitions to it. 

First of all, here's what it's not.

It is not biz ops,

Is not a business opportunity.

 It is basically software to help you build-up strategic pages that you need to sell products online. Whether it's a physical product, whether it's a digital product, whether it's books, whether it's ecommerce, whether it's live event, whether it's to get more leads, whatever it might be.

 It is a sales process to help you build these strategic pages that you require in order to maximize and give your customers and your audience a great experience from the time they visit your pages, to the time to check out. It is not a website builder!

What is ClickFunnels
  I'm going to walk you through what the different models are, so you can decide which one works best for you. Your first option is selling digital products. Now Click Funnels is amazing for selling digital products.

 Today with Click Funnels, they have this thing known as the share funnel feature. And basically what it is, is that, what if I told

You I could literally give you all these different sales processes that was already proven and in one click, you can literally have this same sales process, transplanted into your account; eBooks, videos, home study courses, intangible products?

What are the sales pages that are required in order for somebody to buy your stuff?

Step number one, ask for the name and email and opt in,

Step number two when you would have your main offer selling them, the thing that you actually want to sell after they give you the name of email.

Step number three is an up-sell page where it says, "Hey, thank you for ordering "I've got this special offer for you," where a small percentage of people will upgrade.

 And that's kind of like going to McDonalds where all the staff is trained to ask, would you like to supersize it? Would you like to fries with that?

And finally, the thank you page, right? So in order to sell a typical visual product, these are the four common pages required to sell digital products.

 And number two are physical products.  Now, I say physical products because it doesn’t necessarily need to be books. This could be makeup brushes, these could be physical products that actually help and deliver value to your audience. 

What is ClickFunnels

But I want to give you an example of why this Click Funnels work so well for selling-commerce as well as books as well as physical products. It is because it helps you build a sales process, and it tells you how much an average customer is worth, every time they go through that sales process.

Every time they claim that free book where they just need to cover shipping that could be a business model. Click Funnels is a sales process.  
Now what is the sales process or the different pages involved in selling this book?

It will be basically step number one, claim this book for free, all you do is pay for shipping.

And then after that they fill in the details, put in their credit card details. And the next step after that is, "Hey would you like to upgrade for this full master class "and training where we give you all the different templates "and tools to execute this in your organization.

“And then after that there’s one more up-sell which is a recurring per month where they can get resource stools and training from me. And then after that, it’s the thank you page.

So this sales processor for a book, basically, is free plus shipping, orderbumb, up-sell number one, up-sell number two, and then it is the thank you page.  Understand that if this was a website, I would be selling this book for how much? Like 10 bucks at most.

 But because I have a funnel and because I've Click Funnels, this gives me analytics and insights on exactly how much my customer is worth when they go through this process on average.

If I know that an average when a customer goes through this funnel, is worth $80, that means that I know I have clarity to go on platforms like Face book, and I can acquire my customer and run ads, whether it's Face book, YouTube, Instagram, and pay up to say $40 to acquire a customer, and still make $2 for every $1 that I spent, does that make sense?

What is ClickFunnels?
  A sales process and Click Funnels, is not about just helping me build these pages, it enables me to understand my numbers.

That's how I scale my business from five to six, six to seven and seven to eight figures, by really just understanding how much is an average customer worth to me, so that I can take that number I know that number, and then I can go to platforms like Face book, YouTube,Instagram, to acquire customers.

Number three : would be workshops, seminars, or live events. What if you could get a small group of people together to spend a weekend with you, and you literally took what it is that you know your life's knowledge, experience, your passion, what you've been doing your entire life, and you could transfer that skill set, because you put it down to a form of framework to somebody else that

will help them save them time, make them money, become more confident, happier, more productive better at a certain skill, so that if they spent this two three days with you, fully immersed, they would have what it is that you have.

 And what if you can charge them say $1,000 for your life's work? Can you imagine your life’s work being worth $1,000?

What if Click funnels could actually help you do this?

You see when it comes to Click Funnels; you could be a speaker, a coach looking to sell more of your programs, your events, your workshops, and one of the things

That Click Funnels has been amazing is I literally have used them to build up all my different pages to promote and fill my life events, workshops, as well as my seminars.

 Now I know that whenever I say this, this can seem like really daunting and scary and intimidating for some people, because people might say, "Well, speaking is really scary for me.

“And this third step here, which has worked wonders for many, I know it might not be for everyone, but what I want to do is I want to push you and share with you that if somebody told me that I could be doing this 10 years ago.

 But what if you could start small?  What if it could be just an event where you had five people? Do you think you can handle five people at the start?

Well, five people paying you $1,000 each, that's still $5,000 a weekend. What have you gained little bit more confidence, and then after that, your second event you had 10 people at $1000 each that will be at that $10,000 event in a weekend, not including any up-sells.

What is ClickFunnels

 Do you think that after doing a while you might have a little bit more confidence and maybe now you could charge $2,000? You see, Click Funnels, if you want to sell tickets to a live event is amazing. So what is a live event funnel? A live event really is just step number one, the offer page, registers for a live event.

Step number two, you're confirmed. These are the dates of the live event that's happening, right, simple two step process for live events. Now, as I'm giving you these different examples, I want you to start thinking for yourself, which one resonates most with you?

Is it number one, digital products, number two, physical products or number three, live events, seminars, workshops, boot camps? That brings us to number four.

 And number four is affiliate marketing. One of the things that Click Funnels has helped many people tremendously is using it as a tool to promote other people's products successfully.

 Now what does this mean? It means that if you are promoting somebody else's product, the first thing that you might be doing is, you would be driving traffic. Now one of the things that people make the mistake of is, they drive traffic straight to the affiliate offer, promoting somebody else's product. And that is where money goes to and dies if that is what you're doing.

However, what you want to be doing instead is to build up this bridge page, which is basically a page that captures your audience's information first, their name and email by giving it something away for free.

This could be free training, a free checklist, a free blueprint, a free swipe file, a free template, so that rather than promoting and selling this stuff straightaway, you might have heard this before, if you're not building a list, you're not building a business.

 This is when you start running ads, whether it's Face book, YouTube, Instagram, if you send it to a page and can start capturing a name and email address, now you're converting traffic that you don't own to traffic that you own.

This lead, if you treat this lead for life, well, this lead becomes a customer for life. Right now with this lead, you can then promote other people's products. That is literally how I became one of the top affiliates out there on Click bank for Click Funnels winning cars by literally using ClickFunnels to build these bridge pages.

So what are bridge pages is it's just basically pages in affiliate marketing, so that I pre-sell, and that's the key here. I'm pre-selling rather than selling this jewellery, I am pre selling on why they need this, and this is what this selling for the affiliate product. Okay, so Click funnels below as well.

You notice that I’ve treated a share funnel for literally every single sales process I'm talking about. In the description box below, if you like this one, and if you feel that this one resonates with you, which is the process of promoting somebody else's product and getting paid commissions in return, then look for the affiliate bridge page funnel, which is basically this process to promote somebody else's product.

 And number five would be high ticket. So question that one of the students of  Peng Joon asked him  in the past was, "So, what if I sell tractors made in Germany "that cost about 30,000 Euros, "nobody's going to come to my page "and pay me and PayPal 30,000 euros," and he said, "That's correct.

" So what if you were in a similar case what if you want to sell a high ticket service, a high ticket program a mastermind, something worth 10,000, 30,000 $50,000.

So Click Funnels is great for these types of products through their high ticket funnel or an application funnel.   Now what that means is this. So for example, A high ticket program called legacy mastermind.

It's my high level mastermind for my most serious students who want to have one-on-one time with me. And it's not for everybody, its $30,000 a year or$3,000 a month for 12 months. And in 

order to sell this, now, obviously of I go on Face book, and I said, "Hey, guys, my name is  , "let me teach you internet marketing for $30,000 a year," people would be like, "Who's this guy, this guy's crazy.

" So what do I do? I create a two-step process, it’s an application process. Now what does that mean? It means step one, there’s video of other people that is in my program, that talks about the results they have generated. Step number two is the application form.

 But basically what it says is, it says that I understand this $30,000 investment, and that I am making at least six figures a year, and then this is my application page. So they fill up the form and guess what happens?

 When they are filling up the form, it actually disqualifies people, so an application page needs to disqualify audiences telling them look, it's not for everybody, it is expensive, it's for serious players only and now the leads are coming to you, rather than you going to them. So if you have a high ticket offer, you can do what it is that I do.

Two steps, and again, the share funnel is on the link, look out for high ticket funnel.

But the high ticket funnels a two step process where step one, it tells people what it is that you're offering, what it is that they’re going to get, and the price point.

And then step number two is now they understand what it is that they're getting, the price point investment of that, and they fill up the page, guess what?  They are now coming to you and you know that the leads that you’re getting are going to be a lot more high quality.

So that's how you can utilize ClickFunnels to sell high ticket products.

We have literally use Click Funnels to generate millions of dollars as well selling high ticket, whether it was our consulting, whether it was our done-for-you services, whether it was the coaching or the mastermind, the application funnel is great  for these type of offers.

What is ClickFunnels

 Now, one really important thing, that I want you to commit right now, is to decide out of the five that I've listed so far, which one resonates most with you.

References : Credits to PengJoon YouTube Influencer & Entrepreneur

Images :  PixaBay

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