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How to follow up after an interview

 How to follow up after an interview

How to follow up after an interview?

Should I follow up after an interview or not, or when should I do it…

Should I Just take my time and wait for their response… Short answer; yes you should. Definitely! Long answer is coming up. So, the reason I prefer not to give answers to comments asking about a follow up is because I need to first ask a few questions.

 Here are the questions I need you to think about;

      1. who did you interview with?  With the HR or Hiring Manager?

      2. what’s the seniority of the role you applied to? Are you a junior hire or an experienced hire.

      3.Is being assertive one of the qualities that is desired in the role you interviewed for?

    Let’s start with experienced hires.

 How to Follow up if you are an experienced person?

 If you interviewed with HR, then please do follow up. Please do it. 

    Then should I call or email. 

How to follow up after an interview
   Email Follow up

    I guess you can start with a nice follow up email, and then if you get no response give them a call. There is no reason for you to be nervous about this. Think of it this way, you spent significant amount of your time to attend that interview. That was an investment for you.

    So, the least the HR can do is to keep you posted of the progress. Whether you are selected, or rejected, or the decision making process is still underway. 

    If they say they are still considering various candidates including you and haven’t made the decision yet, then ask for a timeline.

That’s ok.

When should I expect a decision then?

What are you supposed to do, just sit around and wait for a call when her highness feels like getting back to you? I don’t want to be the one bringing bad news to you but if you are interviewing with HR, the odds are that you’ll lose probably lose that opportunity.

Let’s move on, if you however interviewed with the hiring manager, then it’s a completely different ballgame. 

Now that means you do actually have a pretty good shot at getting that job! A hiring manager will not waste his time interviewing100s of candidates.

 It just won’t happen. For example, I am a manager with NMC Consulting and there is no way that I will interview more than 5 candidates when we are hiring in our team. Each interview is about 1 hour, so I am investing 5 hours already which is a lot.

 What I am saying here is if you interviewed with the hiring manager take it very seriously

 So, now I need to ask you another question.

Ah all these questions right?  Alright here is the question; 

How to follow up after an interview

 why do you follow up?

Do you follow up so you can know what’s going and move on with other applications? Because, if that’s the reason you are following up, then you are doing something horribly wrong. 

Never stop your applications and wait for an employer to get back to you.

Don’t do that.

 Continue with your applications full throttle. Pedal to the medal. Ok then what else, well; you follow up so you feel better? So you are not anxiously waiting… Ok, fine.

 I’ll give it to you. It’s a legitimate reason.

     But is it worth the risk?

 However small it is, there is always a risk of following up with the hiring manager. We take risks when there is a potential benefit. If there is no benefit, then it makes no sense to take a risk.

Makes sense? In all honesty, you following up with hiring manager, just for the sake of feeling better so you are not anxious will probably yield very little results if any. 

It may work against you though. A hiring manager won’t give you the job just because you “followed up”.

The only exception I can think of is that if you are considered for a hardcore sales role. You know where you need to be really assertive. 

But other than that, I see very little benefit of following up in traditional way. But you still can, so let me tell you how.

Think of it like you had your first date with a beautiful lady or with an attractive man, you are anxiously waiting to know if you’ll have the 2nd date. 

What would you do? Would you send out an e-mail? 

Oh hi I was wondering whether you were able to make a decision on my future with you. I hope I was able to perform really well in the first date.

Ha-ha.  Very unlikely you did… Sounded creepy, right?

What would you do in reality?

You would call her out or if you are a millennial you’d probably send her a text message and talk about this new movie you that’s coming up or this beautiful restaurant that you’d like to take her out to. Right?

 So, with the hiring manager. 

You’ll have a similar/ not same but similar approach.

How to follow up after an interview

How to follow up ?

 Think about a topic you discussed in the interview.  Let’s say one of the conversation topics was about Brexit. And whether that’ll will create devaluation of British pound in the long run. Good.

 Go find a highly valuable research paper, download it, and send it out to him in an email.

 It doesn’t have to be a research paper, it can be an introduction to a key player in the market, the point is; add value. And create reciprocity.

     Say something like; Hi Shivam, It was a real pleasure having met you at your office.

     I am really excited about the possibility of joining NMC Consulting. I was just thinking about Brexit and how we discussed that British Pound may be affected in the long run. 

I spent a few hours and it seems like you were quite correct.

     I found this really detailed report about it prepared by Nielsen research and thought you’d like to take a look at it as well. 

Cheers, or Best, Shivam So, by doing this, you are following up, and not only the hiring manager gets the message that you are following up, but also you are creating reciprocity. 

You are adding value to his life.

Right?  That research paper you shared with him it’s adding value to his life. 

However small it may be.

How to follow up after an interview


So , The follow up after an interview is not optional , You have to because instead of waiting for many days and no response and losing few another opportunities isn't it.   

So , First Email then text the HR or Hiring Manager nicely as I mentioned above or finally you can give a call and that's it.

Thanks a lot for your time in reading ? Now Tell me what could be the best approach in your experience ?  Leave your comments in the below comment section. See you in the next post!

Reference : Denizsasal Career Mastery and YT Influencer.


Images : Pixabay.com   

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